What Does a Tour Manager Do?
The tour manager for Dramatic Sneezer in The Rock Star’s Wife series is Terry Bergstrom, Nat and Nicole’s brother-in-law. He held this position long before he became Nadine’s husband. So what does a…
Life on Tour For Rock Musicians
In The Rock Star’s Wife series, Nat spends much of the year on tour with his band Dramatic Sneezer. What is life on tour like for musicians? “The honest truth is, life on…
The Making of a Music Video
Cassandra, the main character in The Rock Star’s Wife series, travels to California in Rock Star Mom to watch Nat and Dramatic Sneezer film a music video. While I won’t give away what…
6 Bands Mentioned in Rock Star Mom
As The Rock Star’s Wife series progresses, the focus shifts from Cassandra’s listening habits to her husband’s band, Dramatic Sneezer. That doesn’t mean, however, that Cassie isn’t keeping up with other artists. Here…
The Top Rock Albums of the 2000s
Nat and Nicole Hardwick’s band Dramatic Sneezer in The Rock Star’s Wife series made its debut in 2000. This begs the question: What were the actual top rock albums of the 2000s? The…
Does Your Favorite Genre Reveal Something About Your Personality?
Our favorite bands and solo artists tell the rest of the world something about us, but it goes beyond individuality and personal preference. Studies have shown a connection between music preferences and personality.…
How The Music Industry Works: The Working Life of Real Rock Stars
In Rock Star Romance, book three in The Rock Star’s Wife series, Nat tours almost constantly with his band Dramatic Sneezer to make a living. He experiences periods of loneliness, jetlag and not…
The Anatomy of a Guitars
Rock Star Romance, book three in The Rock Star’s Wife series, introduces us to Dramatic Sneezer, the metal band fronted by Nat Hardwick. He also is the band’s lead guitarist. His twin sister,…
20 Bands from the Midwest
Dramatic Sneezer, Nat’s band in Rock Star Romance and the remainder of The Rock Star’s Wife series, hails from the fictional Chicago suburb of Vienna-on-the-Lake. A number of well-known and up-and-coming bands call…
6 Rock Bands From Illinois
When you think of rock bands from Illinois, what comes to mind? Generally, people think of the fantastic collection of artists that hail from the Chicago metro area. (For more on Chicagoland bands,…