
Meet Maroula Economos from The Rock Star's Wife Series

Maroula Economos is Cassandra‘s double cousin who grew up two house away.

Born in March 1979, two weeks after Cassandra, Maroula is the daughter of Theos Khristos and Thea Ilena.  

A stickler for the rules, Maroula nevertheless keeps her cousins’ secrets, although she doesn’t understand the need to rebel.

She attended Western Illinois University, studying accounting, and works part time doing bookkeeping for Costas’ Place.

Maroula elopes with Stephanos Voulgaropoulos, an ear nose and throat doctor she met while a student, in late summer 2004.  They have three boys — Lucas, born in June 2005;  Atlas, born in July 2006; and Damian, born in 2007.

Maroula Economos in high school
Maroula Economos in high school